Students in grades 6-12 are invited to St. Mary's BREAKthrough "Stress Dump" on Monday, September 18th, 6:30-8 PM in the gym. BREAKthrough Youth Nights are an opportunity for Middle School through High School teens to grow in faith through games, interactive activities, prayer, food and conversation. Friends are welcome too! They do not have to belong to St. Mary's to join us!
Sign up is appreciated so we have enough snacks on hand: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054caba72fa7fd0-breakthrough1#/

Rev. Anthony Veit, seen in this old postcard photo, was appointed to our parish in 1912.
#throwbackthursday #stmarys175

As we remember September 11, 2001, on Patriot Day, let us pray to Almighty God for peace in this world.

Tomorrow, we remember, honor and pray for all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Reminder: Mass times at St. Mary's are 4 PM Saturday Vigil and 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM on Sunday.

Today's Thursday Throwback comes from an 1983 article of the WNY Catholic Visitor entitled, "Gifts of Food for the Needy," which highlighted the ministry of three members of St. Mary's St. Vincent de Paul Society. Sr. Mary Francis, OSF, wrote, "With a sense of giving and gifting that is as gentle as silence, three retired men from St. Mary's parish in Swormsville [sic] glean food from fields and markets for the needy. They do it all in the name and spirit of the St. Vincent de Paul Society."

Fr. Sleeva departed from St. Mary's on Labor Day after 9 AM Mass. We are glad that he was able to visit and grateful for his assistance with Masses while here. St. Mary's Parish has been supporting Fr. Sleeva's Project Mission India for approximately 25 years.

Tomorrow, Saturday, September 1st, is First Saturday. All are invited to join us after 9 a.m. Mass in the church to pray The Rosary and meditate on the mysteries. Click on this link for a complete description of the First Five Saturdays Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: https://www.stmaryswormville.org/o/smsp/page/first-five-saturdays-devotion-to-the-immaculate-heart-of-mary
Should you have any questions, please Send an email to Hope Chavanne or (716) 633-9525.

St. Mary's New Mass Schedule takes effect tomorrow, Saturday, 9/2/23:
Monday-Saturday Daily Mass:- 9:00 AM
Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses - 7:30 AM , 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM

St. Mary's New Mass Schedule takes effect this Saturday, 9/2/23:
Monday-Saturday Daily Mass:- 9:00 AM
Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses - 7:30 AM , 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM

"As a helper it is beautiful to watch the catechist engage the children in different ways and to see the children's reactions. Each catechist and Children's Liturgy of the Word is different."
~ Gretchen O.
Please contact Janice O'Brien if you have questions/are interested in bringing God's Word to the children of the parish during 9 AM Sunday Mass:
parishlife@stmaryswormville.org or (716)688-9380

It's Throwback Thursday! This 1989 article from the Buffalo News highlighted the founding families of our faith community and school.

All are invited to the 3rd Annual Renewal Mass to be held Sunday, August 27 at OLV National Shrine and Basilica in Lackawanna! Beginning at 4 p.m., we will be praying the rosary and will be undoing the second “knot”, followed by the Mass at 4:30. A reception will be held following Mass.

Dear Public School Parents,
Have you registered your children for the 2023-2024 Faith Formation Program?
Families have the option to complete lessons by either attending on campus lessons or work together at home. IMPORTANT: If you have a child(ren) entering a Sacrament year, please register prior to September.
Our Catholic Education Team is ready to walk with your family on your faith journey.
(716) 688-0599

Since the weather forecast for this afternoon calls for rain, we will have our 6 pm Assumption holy day Mass in the church and the picnic will be in the cafeteria.

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Mass Times:
Monday, August 14: 5 PM Vigil
Tuesday, August 15:
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
6:00 PM Outdoor Mass (bring a chair)

Assumption picnic RSVP's for hamburgers and hot dogs due tonight by midnight!
All are invited to BYOP, bring your own picnic provisions: plates, utensils, beverages, and side dishes. Our Assumption picnic is immediately following the 6 PM Outdoor Mass. Please bring a lawn chair/blanket for your comfort.

Assumption picnic RSVP's for hamburgers and hot dogs must be in by this Friday, August 11th. We hope you can join us. “Bring Your Own Picnic” Dinner
immediately following the Outdoor Mass

What’s So Ordinary about Ordinary Time? – Find out on August 10th. Families with children in grades 6–12 are invited to join the Youth Ministry team to explore this extraordinary liturgical season. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054caba72fa7fd0-what1#/
Contact the Catholic Education Office with questions: familyfaith@stmaryswormville.org or (716) 688-0599

On August 15, please join us for our 6 PM Outdoor Mass for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for our BYOP dinner immediately following. Order your hot dogs and hamburgers with this link by 8/11: