Come on over to St. Mary's on October 5th for some genuine German fun at Oktoberfest 2024! Let us know you are coming so we are sure to have enough hot pretzels and dumplings o...
Have you or someone you know thought about converting to Catholicism or completing their Sacraments of Initiation (First Eucharist and/or Confirmation)? Rite of Christian Initi...
Parishes throughout the Diocese of Buffalo played an audio message from Bishop Michael Fisher at all of this past weekend's Masses and handed out a written copy of the message. Th...
Most Reverend Michael W Fisher, Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo, and Reverend Bryan Zielenieski, Vicar for Renewal and Development, held a press conference this morning at which ...
St. Mary's continued the adult study of the hit series, The Chosen , through a Catholic lens, on September 8th. We will meet again on Monday morning, September 9th at 10:15 AM ...
BREAKTHROUGH is an opportunity for Middle School through High School teens to grow in faith through games, interactive activities, prayer, food and conversation. Students are enco...
On August 15, 2024, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Most Reverend Michael W. Fisher presided at our St. Mary's Church (Swormville) Mass of Thanksgiving com...
The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. St. Mary's has four Masses available to the community. All Masses will be in the...
Who are the clergy who will be joining us for St. Mary's 175th Anniversary and Feast of the Assumption Mass on August 15th? We are thrilled to welcome 15 priests that have current...
Would your child like to become an Altar Server? Our next training session for new altar servers is Monday, August 19, 2024 , in the church from 10:00 AM - Noon. Boys and gi...
ST. MARY'S ROSARY REVIVAL: A Journey of Grace Through the Decades In honor of Mary's Assumption and in preparation for St. Mary's commemorative 175th Anniversary Mass on Augus...
St. Mary's Church is pleased to report that we have completed the update to our Livestreaming system. The Saturday 4 PM and Sunday 9 AM Masses will now return to livestreaming via...
Congratulations to all of St. Mary's $20,000 Picnic Raffle Winners! Twelve tickets were drawn at the end of our parish picnic yesterday, including our $10,000 grand prize winner! ...
All are invited to join us this weekend for fun, food and fellowship! ~ MAIN STAGE Family Entertainment ~ 11:00 - 11:30 AM: CELEBRITY DANCE 12:30 - 1:00 PM: BUBBLE MANIA ...
Certified USATF 5k run course. If you like to walk, there is a 3k walking course. T-shirt to the first 200 participants. All participants receive a voucher for a drink/food at th...
In celebration of the 175th anniversary of St. Mary's Church, Swormville, our Parish Picnic Weekend has been expanded to include a Car Show on Friday, July 19th from 5 - 9 PM! Ther...
St. Mary's 175th Anniversary Parish Picnic and 13th annual Chowder Chase Race are right around the corner! As the old saying goes, "many hands make for light work," and to that I ...
We have a new opportunity for St. Mary's parishioners and their families to sit in on a session to learn more about the beautiful rites and traditions of our Catholic Mass. Deaco...