Reminder: The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. St. Mary's Church Swormville will offer a vigil Mass on December 31 at 5 PM and the holy day Mass on January 1, 2025 at 9 AM in the main church.
about 1 month ago, St. Mary's Church
Solemnity of Mary Masses
This weekend's Masses will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. This Lectio Divina style of prayer will aid you in reflecting on the beauty and importance of the Holy Family;
about 1 month ago, St. Mary's Church
The Holy Family
From all of us on St. Mary's Church staff, we wish you a very Merry Christmas filled with the wonder of Emmanuel, God with us, and a blessed Happy New year!
about 1 month ago, St. Mary's Church
Merry Christmas, and the Word became Flesh
Congratulations to the 70 children who made their First Reconciliation! This sacrament is vital to our relationship with God.
about 2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Reconciliation recipients
child with first reconciliation poster
child with first reconciliation poster
child with first reconciliation poster
child with first reconciliation poster
child with first reconciliation poster
The HSA Snow Me the Money Early Bird Drawing for $250.00 is December 22 at 10 AM! Raffle Tickets must be in to the parish office by 10:30 AM on December 19th to qualify. The winning ticket is returned to the drum for five more chances to win a total of $15,000! More tickets available at the school and parish offices.
about 2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Snow Me the Money Raffle Tickets
St. Mary’s will hold the scheduled Taize Prayer Service this evening at 7 PM as planned. All are invited to join us in the church for this meditative prayer in preparation for Christ's coming.
about 2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
darkened church with candles
Taize prayer service 12/12 at 7 pm
Did you ever wonder about the history of St. Mary's Giving Tree? It all began with a Thanksgiving food collection in 1996! Joanie Clover shares these memories: In November of 1996 a small Family Faith Sharing group decided to take their children to Tops Friendly Markets to purchase food for 25 needy families. Turkey, gravy, potatoes, and the like were sorted and delivered. Each year the number of recipient families grew, the parishioners of St. Mary Swormville got word of the mission and the Thanksgiving Basket Drive was born. The Snyder family opened their home as “Sort Central” and the Clover Family arranged for the freezer storage of 150+ turkeys at a local private country club. The Bianchi, Bargnes, Henderson, and Lenz families gave of their time to help make this a success and food is stilled delivered to this day on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving by St. Mary's Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Rewind to 1997… How could we do so much good for Thanksgiving and not try to help at Christmas. An idea among the moms of the group became a reality when we decided to place a Giving Tree at the front of the Church on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Once again, Joanie Clover, Terry Bianchi, Sue Snyder, Karin Krasevac-Lenz, Sue Henderson, and Nadine Bargnes got to work and placed about 200 ornaments on that tree. After that first Christmas season we quickly grew to over 1,000 ornaments because of the generosity of our amazing parish. Organizations changed from time to time, but the need was always the same. St. Mary’s parishioners, inner-city schools, Aids Support groups, St. John’s in Lockport, St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy, Gerard Place, Vive La Casa, human trafficking survivors, Family Promise, Prison Ministries, Brothers Keeper Outreach, Wear ‘n Share, West Side Blessings, Compass House, Response to Love Center, Mercy Comprehensive Care, BestSelf Family and Recovery Connections, Endeavor Health, just to name a few! Every year we seemed to get more volunteers to help with sorting and packing for delivery. Most of the original pioneers have gone, but God always blessed us with new people to commit to this enormous task. Still spearheaded by Joanie Clover and a new team of coordinators; Terri Dunbar, Debbie Lesinski, Jean Jurek, Kathy Warnke, Ron Leong, KC Kappel, Gretchen Olearczyk, to name a few. Our hearts overflow with the overwhelming number of presents in the gift gathering room. Just transporting the gifts from the church to wherever we were sorting and packing was always a lesson in generosity. So many people would take time out of a busy day to help us! The gifts are always in black plastic garbage bags because Santa couldn't come early! We can tell stories of grown men breaking down at the door when the huge bags of gifts were delivered, because someone cared enough to think of their children! Most times they didn't even realize there was something special in the bag for Mom and Dad too! How would the kids have felt if Santa forgot them! So many gifts were thoughtfully decorated and included Christmas cards. When we included survivors of human trafficking in our recipients, people used gold festive bells as a gift trimming. This was so thoughtful because many of these survivors needed to have an audible notice if a door was being opened to feel safe where they were staying. School students were elated to receive a hat and a pair of gloves. Laying aside their toy for one minute, to take a picture of the best gift a 3rd grader could ever get! It is truly a blessing every year to deliver to the children and have them sing songs & write personal and profound thank you cards! Twenty seven years have passed and the success of our Giving Tree has only been possible because of the amazing love and passionate heart that has always been the sign of our faith at St. Mary's Swormville! Pictured: Joanie with the Warming Tree (warm items adorn the Giving Tree after the ornaments are taken by parishioners), Joanie and Terri sorting the gifts, and the multitude of donated gifts.
about 2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Joanie with the Warming Tree
Warming Tree
Assorted bags of gifts
Assorted bags of gifts
Assorted bags of gifts
REJOICE! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture Wednesdays: December 11 & 18 Evening sessions at St. Mary's Parish Center, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Morning sessions at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Paa Center, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Even if you can only come for one session, you will learn something, and the group will be enriched by your presence! Immerse yourself in God's Word as you journey through the Advent season alongside Mary, Joseph, and other figures from Scripture. Drawing from the Sunday Mass readings, we will share in prayer, study, and reflection to enrich our experience of this blessed time of preparation and anticipation. We hope to see you! To sign up: Please contact the Catholic Education office with questions or for more details: (716) 688-0599 or
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Rejoice Scripture Study
Please be sure to return your unwrapped Giving Tree gift in a holiday bag, with the ornament or descriptive tag (virtual ornaments) by this Sunday, December 8, 2024. We have committed to delivering a gift to every one of the individuals on the Giving Trees. Call Joanie Clover @ 716-870-3582 or KC Kappel @ 716-308-5494 with any questions/issues. It’s time to start bringing in WARM hats, mittens, and scarves to place on the trees; these will also be distributed to those in need. Thank you for helping to make this Christmas more comfortable and happy for individuals and families in our area.
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Gifts due Sunday 12/8
TONIGHT! "Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture" at St. Mary's Swormville Parish Center, 6:30 - 8:00 PM. You are invited to immerse yourself in God's Word as you journey through the Advent season alongside Mary, Joseph, and other figures from Scripture. Drawing from the Sunday Mass readings, we will share in prayer, study, and reflection to enrich our experience of this blessed time of preparation and anticipation. The sessions are based on a book of daily meditations by Fr. Mark Toups, which you are encouraged but not required to purchase from Amazon or any other retailer. Please join us! Even if you can only come for one session, you will learn something, and the group will be enriched by your presence! We hope to see you! There will be 2 more Wednesdays for our "Rejoice!" Advent Study: December 11 and 18. Morning sessions will take place at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Paa Center, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Evening sessions will take place at St. Mary's Parish Center, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Sign-up is encouraged but not mandatory at: Please contact the Catholic Education office with questions or for more details: (716) 688-0599 or
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Rejoice! Scripture Study Book
Today is GIVING TUESDAY! Your donations will help to defray our cost to REPLACE 20 COMPUTERS for our parish/school and/or grow ST. MARY'S EDUCATION ENDOWMENT FUND. It's easy to DONATE ONLINE at! SMS ALUMNI: you can help our school by posting positive reviews/memories (details on the SMS website).
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Giving Tuesday with QR Code
Scan to leave school review
St. Mary's needs your help tomorrow, GIVING TUESDAY, with two giving options! COMPUTER UPGRADES - replacement of 20 parish & school computers and ST. MARY'S EDUCATION ENDOWMENT- a restricted investment fund from which earnings are used to support Catholic Education (at all levels). DONATE ONLINE at
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Giving Tuesday Tomorrow
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Be Thankful
Happy Thanskgiving to all!
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving. Please consider supporting our St. Mary's Faith Community. Details on donating can be found on the parish website:
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
unleash generosity on Giving Tuesday
Breakthrough Youth Nights are a fun opportunity for Middle - High School teens to grow in faith through games, interactive activities, prayer, food and conversation. Join us for our December celebrations!
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough December Meetings
Did you get an ornament form the Giving Trees in the foyer of the church this weekend? If not, don't worry, the church is open daily and you can stop in to get one. Can't get there? No worries, you can select from our online virtual ornaments with this link: Remember, all gifts must be back under the trees by Sunday, December 8.
2 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Christmas Giving Trees
Thanksgiving Food Drive ends tomorrow at 6 pm. Needed items on website, Flocknote, & Facebook. Take a Giving Tree ornament and return your Christmas gift by 12/8. Thank you for your generosity.
3 months ago, St. Mary's Church
ornaments on tree
St. Mary's nonperishable Thanksgiving Food Drive this weekend, NOV. 23 - 24! In lieu of turkeys, Tops/ Wegmans gift cards may be taken to the parish office. Needed: Stuffing-box, Cranberries, Gravy, Cake/Brownie Mix, Frosting, Mac. & Cheese, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, Vegetables, Yams, Paper Towels/Napkins.
3 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Thanksgiving Food Drive
St. Mary's 27th Year of GIVING TREE Ornaments for individuals/families in need within our WNY community will be available as of Saturday, November 23, 2024 (online at St. Mary's website and on Giving Trees in the foyer of church). Please follow the instructions on the front and back of the ornament and return your unwrapped gift in a holiday bag (under the Giving Tree) NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8. Call Joanie Clover @ 716-870-3582 or KC Kappel @ 716-308-5494 with any questions or if you know of a family or child in need.
3 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Giving Tree 2024
Call all students in grades 6 - 12: Join us at our BREAKTHROUGH Youth Night on Friday, November 22 at 6:30 PM.
3 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough Youth Group November 22