It is time to register for the 2024 Christ Renews Welcome Women's and Men's Retreats. These are spiritual renewal weekends designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in their faith community.
It is a time for adults to relax, pray, and rethink priorities. It is a time to get to know others in the parish and grow as a community. It is an opportunity to examine, rediscover, and /or intensify your personal relationship with Christ. It is a weekend of reflection and sharing of spiritual and real-life issues. It is a time of evangelization.
Go to stmaryswormville.org or click the link for contact information, more details, to read the brochure for each weekend, and to register online: https://www.stmaryswormville.org/o/smsp/page/christ-renews-his-parish-welcome-20-retreats

The clergy and staff of St. Mary's Parish wish everyone a very blessed and Merry Christmas! The Word was made flesh and dwells among us!

Holiday greetings from Father Sleeva!

St. Joseph, pray for us.

It's Throwback Thursday and we have loads of history to share! The 175th Anniversary Committee has created a Commemorative 175th Anniversary Booklet that captures key moments in our rich history and highlights discipleship at St. Mary's. One booklet per family will be distributed at all of this weekend's Masses and the Christmas Masses. If you have a family member that has moved away, please send them one.
Note: If you are excited to peruse the booklet but do not intend to keep it on hand, please drop it into the parish office mail slot so we may share it with others. #stmarys175th #welovestmarys

Online registration is now open for the 2024 Christ Renews Welcome Retreats. These retreats change lives in amazing ways! Discover how!
WOMEN'S WEEKEND - February 24-25, 2024
MEN'S WEEKEND - March 9-10, 2024
Questions? Contact:
Marelyne Tolentino – (720) 220-9856 marelyne.tolentino@gmail.com
Rosanne Davis – (716) 830-6805 rosanne_davis@hotmail.com
Patrick MacDiarmid – (716) 864-8347 pgmacdiarmid@yahoo.com
Greg Honsberger – (716) 713-2222 honsbergergreg@yahoo.com
To register, use the QR Code, go to stmaryswormville.org, or use this link:

St. John of the Cross writes, “Our greatest need is to be silent before this great God with the appetite and with the tongue, for the only language he hears is the silent language of love.”

St. John of the Cross writes, “Our greatest need is to be silent before this great God with the appetite and with the tongue, for the only language he hears is the silent language of love.”

Last night’s Taizé prayer service was a beautiful peace-filled experience.

Taizé Prayer Service 7 PM Tonight!
St. Mary's Church
Taizé prayer is a meditative form of prayer. Through a peaceful environment and the repetition of musical phrases, the body and mind slow down enough to be able to listen to the voice of God that is deep within us all.

Advent Penance Service Tonight, Wednesday, December 13, 7:00 pm in St. Mary's Chapel. Eight priests available for the sacrament of Reconciliation. Please park in the chapel lot or Swormville Fire Department lot on the opposite side of Stahley Rd.

Text Scam: There is an unauthorized text circulating that claims to be from Fr. Tom Mahoney. DO NOT RESPOND, it is a scam. Please note, if our clergy had to reach you regarding an urgent matter, they would not text you.

The second purple candle of the Advent wreath symbolizes Peace. Our faith inspires us to pray fervently for peace throughout the world. We know that Christ is the King of Peace.

Our Family of Parishes' Advent Retreat is at 6:30 tonight!
Deacon Peter Donnelly is presenting “The Holy Family”
Tuesdays: December 5, 12, 19
Choose from 10:00 - 11:30 AM and 6:30 - 8 :00 PM
Parish Center
Registration appreciated but not necessary. https://www.signupgenius.com/.../20F054CABA72FA7FD0...

Young Adults, 18-25 (or so) are invited to join us tomorrow night, December 6, 7 PM, in room 109 of the parish center. Spark! is a peer group designed to share faith and fun together on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM. Bring a friend with you! No sign up required.

Prepare for Christmas with an Advent Retreat at St. Mary's Church Swormville
Deacon Peter Donnelly will be presenting on The Holy Family.
Tuesdays: December 5, 12, 19
Choose from 10:00 - 11:30 AM and 6:30 - 8 :00 PM
St. Mary's Parish Center, 6919 Transit Road, East Amherst
Sign up appreciated at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054CABA72FA7FD0-46152327-holy#/

Donations to St. Mary's Educational Endowment are gratefully accepted at any time.
Thank you for your support.

Come and adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament! What a wonderful way to prepare for Christ's coming.
Monday, December 11, 8:30 AM (after Mass) - Tuesday, December 12, 8:00 AM (Benediction before 8:00 AM Mass)
St. Teresa of Avila Church
5771 Buell St., Akron, NY 14001
ADORERS ARE NEEDED. Please sign up for time slot(s) for which you are able to adore our Most Blessed Sacrament.

Today is Giving Tuesday! Please prayerfully consider making a donation to St. Mary's Educational Endowment, a restricted investment account from which the earnings will be used to support Catholic Education for St. Mary's faith community for many years to come. Go to the secure Online Giving tab at stmaryswormville.org to donate.

Almost there, St. Mary's! Five (5) virtual ornaments left and 20 still on the Giving Trees! Stop in to the church foyer or click here to sign up to bring a much needed Christmas gift for one or more of these people by this Sunday, 12/3: