February 10, 2023
St. Mary’s Catholic Education Office is please to introduce our new Youth Minister and Confirmation Coordinator, Michael Slish. Mike, as he likes to be called, is a lifelong paris...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Catechetical Sunday
This weekend we recognize all who teach the next generation. The vocation of teaching is one that is a true gift and needs to be recognized...
February 10, 2023
Information about the Father Beiting Appalachian Mission Center can be found by watching the video below and by going to their website:

February 10, 2023
Reverend Brian Zielenieski presented an overview of the Diocesan Road to Renewal plan, defined “family of parishes”, spoke specifically about St. Mary’s proposed family of parishe...
February 10, 2023
Jesus asks his disciples this weekend the question: ‘Who do people say that I am?’ We are disciples, so what is our response? How do we describe Jesus to someone who doesn’t know ...

February 10, 2023
“Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of ...
February 10, 2023
Our faith can be challenging and difficult when what we believe comes in direct conflict with what is happening in our lives or in the world. Today, I find that relativism has tak...
February 10, 2023
It is hard to believe that this is the last Sunday of August already. Where did summer go? This week our parish begins to welcome our teachers, faculty and staff back to the schoo...
February 10, 2023
Parish Feast Day’s are a time for all parishioners to really reflect on what the value of our parish is. Our parish, named for Our Lady of the Assumption, speaks to the sinless ch...
February 10, 2023
In August of 2020, then Administrator, Bishop Scharfenberger saw the need for the Diocese of Buffalo to plan for moving forward from many factors that were all impacting the Dioce...
February 10, 2023
This weekend we welcome Fr. Andy Garner to our parish. Fr. Andy is a priest in the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky and is here to speak about our support of the mission work in the...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… MY Body, MY Blood, don’t be unbelieving, but believe! Over the next several weeks we will be taking a break from Mark’s Gospel to hear the ‘Bread of Life Discourse...
February 10, 2023
The Gospel this weekend has Jesus sending his disciples out two by two into the world for ministry. He doesn’t promise them that it is going to be easy, or that they will even be ...
February 10, 2023
Some would consider summer a time for vacations, relaxation, and maybe even a chance to ‘catch up’. I hope that all of us get to experience some aspect of these as we move into th...
February 10, 2023
This weekend we welcome Fr. Ryan Keating to St. Mary’s as he begins his priestly ministry. This is an exciting time for Fr. Ryan and for St. Mary’s because the gift of a new pries...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Father’s Day and more!
Happy Father’s Day to all Father’s!!! The role of a father figure is so essential to our world and can’t be discounted or taken for grante...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Eating our way to heaven.
Is the Eucharist our favorite meal? Something about food is relatable. Food brings us nutrition, sustenance, life, pleasure, enjoyment,...
February 10, 2023
Next Sunday our parish will be participating in the first annual Corpus Christi Procession. How do we witness as disciples and believers to Jesus? By bringing him into the world! ...
February 10, 2023
What could possibly renew the church? The Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit descending upon the Disciples in the upper room comes at a time in which the church was barely surviving. Th...
February 10, 2023
It is hard to believe that we are celebrating the last Sunday in the Easter Season already. Next week we celebrate Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. ...