St. Mary's is a vibrant faith community with many opportunities for all ages to get involved, serve others and share our Catholic faith.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Adult Altar Servers
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Church Environment Ministry
Communion For The Home-Bound
Eucharistic Ministers
Funeral Planning Committee
Liturgy Committee
Music Ministry
Parking Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Forever Young
Daughters of Mary
Knights of Columbus
Respect Life Ministry
Adult Faith Sharing Groups and Prayer Ministries
Christ Renews Welcome 2.0 Retreats
Bakers and Cooks
Cards for the Newly Baptized
Cards for the Homebound
October - Veterans Day Cards
Christ Renews Welcome 2.0 Continuation Committee
Hope & Healing Grief Ministry
Luncheon Committee
Mass Intentions
Pew Patrol
Traveling Mary Rosary Box
Traveling Scripture Box
Traveling Vocations Paten & Chalice Box
Traveling Mass Bag
Blankets for Buddies
Bottles for Babies
Food for Families
Hospital Tote Bags
Little Portion Friary
Mother Teresa Home Donations
Piecemakers Quilters
Small Blessings Purse Project
St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Spring for Success Auction Gala
St. Mary's Day of Service
Thanksgiving Outreach
Christmas Giving Tree