What could possibly renew the church? The Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit descending upon the Disciples in the upper room comes at a time in which the church was barely surviving. The crucifixion of Jesus shattered dreams and expectations, and the disciples were locked in the upper room in fear. Fear propelled them to cower and focus on their safety, causing them to forget all that Jesus had instructed them. But then the Holy Spirit arrives on the scene. The Holy Spirit descends and clarifies, empowers and encourages the disciples in their mission and ministry.

Our church today is also guided, empowered and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. We have to be open to the fire of the Spirit in our lives as disciples and not be afraid to recognize our role as church. The church is the people of God, and for the church to be alive and vibrant with a sense of mission and purpose that means you and I need a sense of mission and purpose. Just as at Pentecost the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, so too today we are filled with that same Spirit. It moved the disciples to do something, to get out of their fear and be the church!

How are you and I being church these days? How are we renewing ourselves with the Holy Spirit to bring Jesus’ mission to our world? Do we even speak of our faith outside of church? Do we pray publicly when we go out for a meal? Do we bless someone who sneezes? Do we notice others? Do we pick up trash instead of just walking by it? Do we say kind words to others? Do we exhibit patience when we are frustrated? Do we refrain from gossip and build people up? Do we renew the church by our fervor and passion?  Do we?? These are just a few questions for us to consider on this Pentecost Sunday. Don’t wait, or make excuses, today is the day to be filled with the fire of God’s love and to be the church!

Just as we need to be on fire as church, we also need to witness to the power of Jesus in our midst. Don’t forget about our Corpus Christi procession coming up on Sunday, June 6 after the 11:30 mass. You’re not going to want to miss this, as it will inspire you!

Keep Smiling, 🙂

Fr. Bryan