It is hard to believe that we are celebrating the last Sunday in the Easter Season already. Next week we celebrate Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. All of this is good news because it invites us to be part of the Good News (Gospel)! We are preparing for the gifts needed to change the world! I invite everyone next week to wear red as a sign of that fire and Holy Spirit descending into our lives!

Speaking of good news, have you paid attention to all of the good happening at St. Mary’s?

1.  Our new Director of Catholic Education, Mrs. Christina Egleston. We welcome Christina to this new position in our parish that will bring a collaborative model to Catholic Education at our parish, ensuring that all people are being formed as Disciples.

2.  Our new Catholic School Principal, Mrs. Tristan D’Angelo. Tristan comes to us from Notre Dame Academy in South Buffalo, the largest regional school in the Diocese, with experience as a Catholic Elementary school Principal. She will be leading our school into the future and making sure St. Mary School provides the best Catholic Education possible.

3.  St. Joseph the Worker Awardee, Barbara Meinhold. Many of us know of Barb’s numerous volunteer activities and responsibilities. Barb is active in so many ways in our parish and the St. Joseph the Worker Award acknowledges her tremendous effort in making our parish the best it can be. Barb can be found cleaning altar linens, volunteering in school, volunteering in faith formation, volunteering as a counter along with many other behind the scene activities. Our parish is truly grateful for Barb and the work she continues to do for us. Thanks for being a great role model as a Disciple!

4. Corpus Christi Procession – this year our parish will be celebrating the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ) in a very special way. On Sunday, June 6 we will be having a Eucharistic Procession at the conclusion of the 11:30 am Mass. The procession brings Jesus out into the world in which we live. Mass will conclude with the procession, where we will process from the new church to the chapel, stopping at 2 altars along the way. At each altar we will hear a Eucharistic Gospel, and have benediction. This is a way in which we can boldly profess the Eucharistic presence of Jesus. I invite all of our First Communion children to dress in their First Eucharist outfits, our school families, our faith formation families, all Eucharistic Ministers and lectors to participate in this procession. More details will come, but please mark your calendars! Let’s proclaim Jesus alive and present here at St. Mary’s by our celebration and procession on Corpus Christi.

So much good news! So many blessings, please share them with all that you meet.


Keep Smiling, 🙂

Fr. Bryan