Consider this… Are you invested?

Christ is Risen!

Last weekend was a glorious weekend as we began our First Eucharist celebrations in the parish. Throughout the Easter Season, our young people who are prepared to receive Jesus will join us at mass with their families and receive the second sacrament of initiation, Eucharist. This should bring all of us hope and joy!

Last weekend we also celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at two extra Sunday liturgies in which Bishop Mike bestowed the Holy Spirit on 95 young adults. I am so proud of our young adults as they completed the sacraments of initiation by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. They were awesome celebrations and the Holy Spirit is alive and well at St. Mary’s.

With so many ways in which we are seeing the Risen Jesus at work, and the Holy Spirit guiding us, what have we to fear? The Gospel this weekend reminds all of us that not only do we need to trust what Jesus intends for us, but we then have to act upon it. Believe in ourselves the way that Jesus believes in us! We are destined for greatness!!!

This does give us something to think about. Ask yourself this question: Is St. Mary’s the place I go to mass, or is St. Mary’s my community of faith? As we move through the Easter season we hear over and over that the disciples were a community of faith. We are also supposed to participate in our parish as a community of faith. If St. Mary’s is simply the ‘place I go to mass’, then we’re not invested in the community. To be a part of this community means that we respond, we support, we sacrifice at times for the betterment of the community.

Are you invested in St. Mary’s? Some questions to help you formulate your answer.

1.     When was the last time you were at St. Mary’s besides mass? What for?

2.    What was the last educational thing you took advantage of at St. Mary’s?

3.   What was the last fundraiser that you assisted with at St. Mary’s?

4.   How have you shared the mission of St. Mary’s in your life and work?

5.    Have you contributed to the work and mission of St. Mary’s?

Our parish records show that less than 50% of people who attend St. Mary’s are actually investing in St. Mary’s with their time, talent and treasure. Our Easter Gospels are challenging all of us to invest, be part of the community of faith, because that is where we find the Risen Jesus alive and at work, with the Holy Spirit guiding us.

I invite you, don’t just make St. Mary’s the place to ‘attend mass’, but make it your community of faith so we can grow together. I promise you, investing in St. Mary’s will only lead to great rewards!

Keep Smiling, smile

Fr. Bryan