Consider this… Hope!

It is already the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and today is also known as Laetare Sunday. This Sunday gets that special distinction because of the entrance introit for mass that begins, ‘Rejoice O Jerusalem.’ Even though we are in the heart of Lent there is a real sense of hope and rejoicing, anticipating the coming celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. With that in mind, this Sunday begs the question…  Are you hopeful? With only one more week of Lent to go before Palm Sunday, this is a good time to do a Lenten inventory and look forward in hope.

1.     Reconciliation – Have I taken time this Lent to make myself available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation? God wants to show us mercy. It is important to remember that the grace of the Sacrament strengthens us for our journey in life. All of us sin, and harm our relationship with God, but God never tires of reaching back out to us to try again. If you haven’t been to reconciliation, take advantage now and let the grace of God embrace you fully again. Personally, this is one of the most hopeful things I participate in as a priest both when God’s mercy is bestowed through me, and when I receive it myself.

2.    Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving – How are your Lenten promises going? Have the things you said you were going to give up, or do, led you into a deeper relationship with God? If not, don’t just give up! Recommit! This Sunday is about hope, so use that hope to give it a more committed try!

3.    Mercy – yes we go to Reconciliation to experience God’s mercy, but Lent is also a time for us to be merciful to one another. Are we praying and working at our relationships and living more Godly relationships in our life? Are we showing mercy to those we need to? The new life of healed and whole relationships bring hope!

Our parish also needs to be a place of hope and rejoicing! I want to share some exciting news in that our parish is creating a Catholic Education and Formation office where both Family Faith Formation and our St. Mary School will function out of. This will provide more collaboration between our school and Family Faith Formation, and give us an appreciation of the fullness of Catholic Education and Formation that takes place on our St. Mary’s campus. This new office will be located in the current Family Faith Formation office, and will have some remodeling done so that the collaboration and cooperation of all aspects of learning that takes place here at St. Mary’s can be supported. This is exciting, and hopeful!! I will continue to share more about this as we move forward.

There is so much to rejoice and be hopeful about!

Keep Smiling 😊

Fr. Bryan